Get in touch and we'll help you cut energy costs!

Our specialists can optimize your building

Do you want to reduce energy consumption, improve the indoor climate and reduce the climate footprint of your building? Then you are in the right place. Our advisers have worked with exactly this for many years, and we bring our expertise into your building.

We optimize energy reduction for your property. Our specialists have extensive experience in optimizing energy savings for various types of industrial buildings, including food production, dairies, data centers, workshops, warehouses and factories. By ensuring good interaction between production equipment and the building, large energy savings can be achieved. Heat pumps and cooling and heat recovery are measures that can provide large reductions. As an example, at a factory we have reduced the energy consumption of tap water by 60% and increased the capacity by 40% by rewiring a pipe. Several buildings are also well prepared for the establishment of solar cells on roofs, or adapted measures to further reduce energy consumption. It is the smart measures that provide the best profitability.

Let us find the smart solutions for your building.

By carrying out a survey of your building, we can quickly uncover the possibilities for energy efficiency and find the smart solutions that suit you. During an inspection, we can also often uncover opportunities to make immediate adjustments, so that you can start saving energy already after the survey.

  • Kjell Hantho

    Project manager and sales manager

    +47 957 04020

  • Ole_Harald_Neergaard

    Ole Harald Neergård

    Head of department Tønsberg

    +47 948 58 917

We offer a range of services for industrial buildings, from simple mapping to full energy management and possible reconstruction of the facility.

For industrial buildings, we offer, among other things:

Energy management

Energy management forms the basis for optimal operation of your buildings, and contributes to reduced power and energy consumption. This means that your building has reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduced costs, which increases your competitiveness. Energy management is the foundation for optimizing energy consumption in your building.

Here we work closely with operations and owners to optimize the operation of your building. When energy management is established, it becomes part of the company's management systems where energy is a factor that is reported and followed up on the same lines as other KPIs.

Energy mapping

By carrying out an energy survey, you get a good overview of where you can save energy in your building.

The mapping is carried out by carrying out an inspection of the building together with operations. We start the inspection by conducting a meeting with operations to gain a good understanding of the building, before we conduct a review of all technical rooms based on representative areas of the building. Based on this, we prepare a report that shows possible measures on the building, and the profitability of carrying out the measures. We also carry out an uncertainty analysis of the investment, so that it is easy to assess the consequences of different scenarios. Very often we also discover errors or deficiencies that can be rectified during the inspection, in many cases we are therefore able to reduce some of the energy consumption already after the inspection.

Energy labeling and condition assessment of technical facilities

We can energy label your building. From 1 July 2010, all non-residential buildings over 50 square meters (BRA) must be energy-labeled when renting and selling (and new buildings). For large commercial buildings (1,000 m2 total BRA) the requirement that a valid certificate must be available regardless of sales and letting also applies.

The energy certificate is valid for 10 years. If changes and improvements are made to the building that could affect the energy label, the labeling must be carried out again, so that the energy certificate represents the building as it actually is.

We also carry out condition assessments of technical facilities in accordance with supervisor from NVE.


BREEAM In-Use (BIU) is a management and certification tool developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in England for building owners and managers. It can be used to map opportunities in the building for reducing operating costs, energy consumption and environmental burdens, as well as helping to identify measures to increase the well-being factor and environment in existing commercial buildings and homes.

We have personnel with many years of experience within BIU who can both assist building owners and managers in certifying buildings, both by virtue of consultation and project coordinator in the certification process. We can also offer BIU auditors for auditing certification and issuing certificates.